Yukon Lichens Ecosystem Pioneers

This blog post is a collection of the lichens photographed on Sep 2022's Yukon trip. 

Richardson's Masonhalea Lichen (Masonhalea richardsonii)

This lichen has been professionally identified as Richardson's Masonhalea Lichen, a fairly common lichen in the Yukon's tundra environment. (Masonhalea richardsonii)

Richardson's masonhalea lichen masonhalea richardsonii

Whiteworm Lichen (Thamnolia vermicularis)

This stunning lichen had been professionally identified as a whiteworm lichen (Thamnolia vermicularis)

whiteworm lichen thamnolia vermicularis yukon tombstone territorial park macro

Arctic Butterfingers Lichen (Dactylina arctica)

This common lichen has received a professional identification.

arctic butterfingers lichen dactylina arctica yukon territory tombstone territorial park

arctic butterfingers lichen close-up macro shot yukon tombstone territorial park

arctic butterfingers lichen dactylina arctica yukon tombstone territorial park

Elegant Sunburst Lichen (Rusavskia elegans)

This lichen is most likely an elegant sunburst lichen, however has not yet received official identification. 

elegant sunburst lichen rusavskia elegans yukon

Foam Lichens (Genus Sterocaulon)

This lichen is still waiting for a species identification, however should fall under the genus Sterocaulon

macro shot of genus stereocaulon foam lichens yukon ytgenus stereocaulon foam lichens yukon tombstone